Lonicera Week

When I planted the Lonicera, part of the promise was that it would delight passers-by with its scent. Now that it is blooming in Week 2011/13 I have to admit that it is at a fairly windy spot where only the most sensitive noses could catch its perfume. But the sight of the bush in blossom is a very attractive one. I have just planted a Daphne mezereum close to it, and its crimson-purple blossoms make a great contrast at this time. It is interesting that the giant Allium is already shooting up leaves. The slugs are not active yet, so I am able to protect it in due time with a plastic anti-slug fence. We are doing lots of work this week, slicing moss out of the lawn and hacking back the Pyracantha hard while there is space available in the "green refuse" bin for its nasty thorns.

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