Kerria Week

In English, some wag named Kerria plenifora "bachelor's buttons". Some people seem to have Kerria plenifora in full flower in Week 2011/17, but ours has only just been planted and is a little late. It is the blur of yellow at the bottom of the picture. The white behind it is Spiraea 'Arguta' and a John Downie apple tree. The main dash of yellow is of course Forsythia.

At left is a Berberis x stenophylla which seems to resent having been moved a few weeks ago: it is going smoky. Perhaps it is just the shock. It should be able to handle full sun. [It did: it survived.]

The grey trunk in the distance is the neighbour's walnut tree. The red is an azalea which I have not yet typed [and which later succumbed to sickness]. There is also a small white-pink rhododendron next to it, planted last week.

Here is the new growth of Pieris 'Red Mill' at the start of the week. Pieris flowers are not big eye-catchers: the new leaves in red are.

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